On the bright side, DC is going to be doing the Retro stuff in a few months, putting old artists and writers back on their signature books, in order to tell yet one more story from the olden days. Whether this is supposed to be a mini-series or simply a one-shot deal, I am not sure. BUT...Giffen and DeMatteis are supposed to write a 90's JLI story and Kevin Maguire is supposed to draw it...so I am simply in heaven. I assume it will be on the order of "Formerlly Known as the Justice League", but set actually DURING the Justice League.
So there's that.
But seriously, I do hope with all my might, that they don't drop these characters back into limbo. I was a little bit encouraged by the appearance of Fire, in the 80 page JLA Giant book that came out this week. I wasn't expecting her, and it was a nice treat.
If they DO create a new book, I definitely hope that Winick won't be the one writing it. As a matter of fact, in the Previews, I saw that he's going to be writing Batman & Robin,which rather surprised me, as I thought that Peter Tomasi and Pat Gleason were on that book. But if Winick is writing, then I certainly would not be adverse to Tomasi OR Gleason taking over a JLI book! Of course, at this point all that I can do is speculate.
But you know...there is an awful lot of affection out there in fandom for these characters. They could even bring a few of them back from the dead, and I don't think that anyone would complain. If we had to stick to a living group, I would keep the bunch that they used in Lost Generation...Booster, Fire, Ice, Gavril, Blue Beetle, and yes, even Captain Shinypants. They would have to bring in Guy and J'onn of course, and I wouldn't object to Power Girl. Man, it would be awesome.
What would some of your favorite lineups be? Keeping in mind of course, that at this point, this is purely hypothetical?