Favorite Alien Green Lanterns

There is no denying that I loves me some Earth-based Lanterns. Guy, Kyle, Hal and John are all so adorable in their own individual ways. And yet...and yet, I must admit that I also love so many of the OTHER Green Lanterns out there, who actually make up the huge majority of Lanterns in the Universe.

I like Arisia of course. And Soranik Natu, and Iolande and Katma Tui, who may be dead but still holds a small place in my heart. Not to mention John's. I loved Ch'p because he was so darned cute, and who wouldn't love an anthropomorphic squirrel running around in overalls and a bow-tie? I love Salaak for his curmudgeonliness, and Voz for his fuzziness. Graf Toren is an awfully nice guy, and I was fond of Kreon too, and it's a darned shame that they killed him off. I even like Boodikka.


Tomar Tu is a nice boy. Vath Sarn is cranky, but I like him, and for some reason I really like Isamot. It must be the teeth. And he was nice enough to give Vath his legs, which is something that you just don't see everyday. Rot Lop Fan is such an interesting concept. Oh, and that Green Lantern that Pat Gleason portrayed as simplly a cube intrigues me.


Gosh, they're all just amazing.

But my favorite...my absolute favorite has to be Kilowog. I don't know if I can exactly explain WHY he's my favorite, but he is. He's just...so loveable in his large and slightly lunkish sort of way. Kilowog has had an awfully hard time of it, losing his family and his planet for heaven's sake, but he's never let himself give into complete despair. He's trained an awful lot of Green Lanterns over the years, and he's trained them awfully well, and it is pretty obvious that he has their wellfare as his first consideration.

He may yell at you and make you do a lot of tedious and dangerous things, but it is for your own good. And he's very good company. And he's smart, and capable of inventing all kinds of useful things. He's also incredibly forgiving, since he DIDN'T punch out Hal for going around calling him "simple" in the old days. And he managed to overcome some rather explosive beginnings to see past Guy's assholishness to become his best friend.


And he has an astonishgly fabulous ass.

And speaking of asses...I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I am also fond of G'nort in an exasperated sort of way. I hope that he's not actually dead, and will show up eventually...somewhere.

Oh and Mogo rocks too.

Who are YOUR favorite alien GL'S?