Movie Characters Who Need Professional Help

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's good characters make movies work. As obvious as that may have sound, it's a fact that people often neglect or overlook whenever they do watch movies; They cast their intellect away in favour of seeing explosions, boobs or in the case of the mainstream Malaysian audience, brainless comedies and ghouls popping up every fifteen minutes.

However that poses another challenge for screenwriters; Coming up with interesting characters. Believe me that is not as easy as it sounds. Every so often, they have to write about people whom we can somehow relate to, yet there's something about their behaviour that you might find to be just a tad unbelievable. But it's kind of necessary, really, because nobody wants to see a movie about normal, inhibited, everyday people. Just check out any "reality" television show to know what I mean.

So here are some of the movie characters who are so extreme at something, you can't help but feel like they need professional help.

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