Look, Hal ISN'T Getting Hit in the Head!

And now, for a change of pace, I have been requested to show the Green Lanterns beating up OTHER people for a change! Yes, it's hard to believe, but it isn't always blows to the head and pummeling each other. Occasionally they actually go out and hit OTHER people!

hal and arisia

Now this is actually a picture of Hal hitting on Arisia, but that's probably not what I should be showing.

hal and carol

And here's Hal hitting on Carol! I sense a theme developing here.

hal and guy

Woohoo! Finally! A Green Lantern beating up on Batman! Oh the joy of it.

hal and superman

Here's Hal beating up on Superman. You have to say this for Hal, he's not afraid to take a swing at someone...even in Superman's class.

guy and superman

Hey, Guy's not afraid to take on Superman either.


John's not afraid to take on the heavy hitters as well.


And Kyle's taking on Sinestro no less.

In going through my scans, I do seem to have a plethora of head shots and ass shots. Do any of you have any better pictures of the boys punching out other heroes and friends?