Anyone here was never a fan of the
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers? If you spend a decade or so growing up in the 90's, then chances are you were at one point a fan. But then again, looking back on it as an adult, I can't help but spot some ridiculous stuff passed off as reality within its universe. Not that the premise was plausible to begin with.
The black ranger was African-American, and the yellow ranger was Asian... Very imaginative |
Sure, I can accept that these people were risking their lives to protect our planet, by using giant robots and whatnot. But I can't understand why the Rangers held Zordon with such high regard because you see, the biggest villain in the
Power Rangers universe isn't Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa or even Ivan Ooze. If you ask me, it has got to be Zordon.
The disembodied head... |
But it has nothing to do with him
supposedly promoting drug use, as the word "Morphin" was censored here in Malaysia, which by the way was one of the most laughable moral panics in the history of this country. But no, I believe Zordon here should stand trial and should serve some jail time because of one reason and one reason alone;
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