You know what would be nice? A Max Lord, or an Oberon or even an L-Ron. And Sue Dibny to go with Ralph. And by Max Lord, I mean the OLD Max Lord before they turned him evil. It's a funny thing, I recently acquired this lovely book that has all of Kevin Maguire's art in it, and he mentions how disappointed he was when Dan Didio took him aside and informed him that they were destroying the characters of the old JLI. That wasn't exactly the term that he used, but it certainly was the end result. Maguire didn't draw them that way and Giffen and DeMatteis certainly didn't write them that way...but hey. Who wants to read about funny and charming characters anyway?
Ok, rant over.
They are brining out some new figures, and a NEW Guy figure is finally...FINALLY included, in his Red Lantern outfit, complete with a chain saw. I'm SO happy. I think that there actually was a fairly recent Kyle figure, but I'd probably have to go and check. There certainly seem to be a crap-load of Blackest Night figures, and I'm sure that there are going to be an equal number of Brightest Day figures.
The last action figure that I bought was the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle...and it is awesome.
I wonder if they are going to bring out War of the Green Lantern figures in the future? I want Hal and Guy and John and Kyle running around in their jeans and T-shirts! And a handless Ganthet.
I DO still have a few silly scans of some of my action figure left over in the old Photobucket.
and even
When it comes to Action figures, I mostly have Green Lanterns, but there are a few others scattered about, mainly the JLI, but I've got Roy as Red Arrow, and Jonah Hex and a gorgeous Wonder Woman. There are certainly a lot more Green Lanterns that they COULD make, such as Salaak, Ch'p, Soranik Natu, Isamot, Vath Sarn and so on and so forth. I have always wanted a soft plushie version of Apros for some reason.
What are some of YOUR favorite Action Figures?