I...I apologize for the profanity. No wait, I take that back. What I mean to say is GODDAMN Son of a Bitch!
Well, needless to say, I bought and read the final issue of Justice League: Cry for Justice. Needless to say, I am...wroth. AND pissed. And confused.
I mean...what the HELL? What did poor old Roy ever do to James Robinson anyway?
When this whole thing started, I was actually enjoying it a bit. Yes, it was QUITE ridiculous, and way over the top, and the characterization of some people was hideously off-base, but still...there were some amusing moments. It was so completely, unrelentingly terrible, that it was fun.
I think that we crossed the line between campy and fun-to-hate a ways back. For me, it was when Robinson had Prometheus rip Roy's arm off. It went to bloody, serious and NOT funny in a nano-second. Talk about killing the momentum!
And speaking of killing...here be spoilers for those of you who haven't read it...what is up with offing a little girl? Shock value? We've been shocked and shocked and shocked over the years, and I'm getting just a little tired of it. I can only assume that the writers were having trouble dealing with the fact that Roy had a young daughter, and how to write her.
That's easy, you write her being adorable. I LIKED Lian. I wanted her and Sin and Milagro to get together in kindergarten and form their own Justice League. Guess that's not going to happen now. In addition to Lian's crumpled little body being found in the wreckage of her house, they also appaently blew up Star City. And some OTHER cities. I hate it when fictional real estate gets destroyed. I go into a tizzy every time they wreck Opal City or the JSA Brownstone, and I'm still in a snit over Warriors.
And then Oliver shows up at Prometheus's lair and shoots him in the head with an arrow. This was after he spent most of the issue taunting all the helpless heroes. Every skill, every plan, every talent they had, he was able to thwart. I hate that. I don't like seeing the Justice League run around like chickens with their collective heads cut off. And Prometheus isn't even worthy of being able to sneer at them. Doctor Doom can sneer. The Joker can sneer. So can Sinestro. Prometheus? Please. He's a lightweight, no matter HOW smart the writer keeps telling me he is.
Starman is one of my favorite books of all time. I can't reconcile the care that James Robinson took in setting the mood, and writing that book with the bathos and chaos of this mini-series. I can only assume that it was actually his evil twin.
As for the rest of my books...Jonah Hex was pretty good. JSA: All-Stars didn't have Magog getting punched in the face, but it DID have Sand...and he had dialogue! Woohoo! Detective Comics was good, Nemesis was weird, but interesting, and Cinderella and Jack of Fables were charming as usual.
But man, I'm still in a pissy mood.