A Heck of a Weekend

Whew! Nothing like a little bit of marching and beer drinking, not to mention absolutely PERFECT weather, to make for a lovely weekend. We went to the National Muster in Westbrook, Ct, and marched 45th out of 70 Corps! And we were the ONLY ones who had beer on tap in our tent. Needless to say, we were QUITE popular with most of the other corps.

Incidentally, it was also International Read a Comic Book in Public day, so I naturally brought several of my nice trades along to read, for when I wasn't marching or drinking beer. I got a couple of snickers, but also a fair amount of interest, and one guy from another corp saw me reading a Green Lantern book and immediately started a conversation about the Green Lantern Movie, and how stoked he was about it. He is actually more of a Hawkman fan, so we had a lovely discussion about Blackest Night and Brightest day.

Gosharootie, it was fabulous. I hope that YOU all had an equally lovely weekend. Of course it's Monday now.


But, to put me back into a good mood, here's a nice ass shot of Hal.

head shot

Not only showing off his manly buttocks, but getting hit in the head as well! A two-fer!