Well I'll Be!

I went to post yesturday, and noticed that there was a "Stats" tab, which I hadn't noticed before. Since I am NOT the most observant of people, I am wondering if this is new or if I have just been oblivious for a while. Probably the latter.

So...I bravely clicked onto the "Stats" thingie, and lo and behold...it had all kinds of interesting information! I just discovered that I have some readers in Sweden, Nigeria and Australia! I had no idea! What nice people!

Most of you are either here through Firefox, or Internet Explorer, which made perfect sense, but there were some other search thingies that I had never even heard of.

There were some pretty reasonable search phrases, such as "Green Lantern" and "butts" for some reason. And typing in "Batman punches Guy Gardner" will CERTAINLY bring you to my little corner of the blogoverse. But "Green Lantern Hentai"? I don't read Manga, but I'm pretty sure that I'm NOT into tentacles...or...or whatever.

Still. It's nice to know that so many nice people share my Emerald Fanny Fetish. So...as a reward...

jli guy
