I've Been Thinking

Always a dangerous pastime. But I keep picking away at the thought of the new Justice League: Generation Lost book like a scab. It is BOTHERING me. And in a way, I suppose that that is a GOOD thing, because as much as the out-of-character writing of Tora is annoying me, I can still hardy wait for the next issue, just to see what is going on. And that therefore, the book has done what it is supposed to. Get me to read, and think about it.

Just what IS going on with Max Lord anyway? On the one hand, you have him trying to talk to Booster and he says that he misses him...albeit while bashing him in the head with a piece of rebar. And Max is portrayed in a slightly more favorable light in Booster Gold. So that's one side. On the other hand, he's going out of his way to be unbelievably obnoxious to Fire, Ice and Capt. Atom back in the JLI book. It's almost as though there are TWO Max's!

Could that be it? From way back when, Max was possessed by that cyborg thingie, and mind controlled by Kilg%re. And we know that Kilg%re is still around...at least I THINK so, because he showed up in the final issues of Birds of Prey, when they were in Platinum Flats. Geoff Johns has talked about the possibility of redemption for some of the characters that were brought back in Brightest Day, and if anyone needs redemption, it has to be Max Lord.

Not to mention the fact, that Captain Atom and Hawk were ALSO heroes who went bad. Really bad. Monarch and Extant ring any bells? And yet here they are, all happy and shiny and redeemed. Wonder Woman didn't twist THEIR heads off!

So, I'm beginning to suspect that there is more to all of this, than we have actually seen so far. I'm nervous...but hopeful.