Diana likes Guy, they've been flirting mildly for years. I'm still depressed sometimes that Beau Smith's idea of putting the two together romantically scared the living wee out of DC. I don't know how long it would have lasted, but it could have been an awful lot of fun. She's probably too good for him, but hell, she's too good for ANYbody.
Arisia started out hating Guy, and then he took her in when she lost her ring and gave her a home and a job, and they ended up being practically like brother and sister. He did the same thing for Zinda. Dinah and he used to fight like cats and dogs back in the old JLI, and yet, she came right out and said that he was hot. Granted, it was actually his evil clone Joe, but SHE didn't know that.
Bea had the hots for him for years, secretly, and they did get together after Tora died, which has still been completely ignored by most writers. Tora of course is the great love of his life, but even Kari Bimbo preferred him to Hal...which I find hilarious.
And it's not just the women apparently.
I know just how he feels.