So I thought that I would touch on a future story. And since it involves Guy, I imagine that you can understand my interest.
Well! Pretty cool eh? This is the cover for Green Lantern Corps for December, I think. The solicit would have us believe that the death of a particular Lantern causes Guy to go bonkers, and bust out as a Red Lantern. Understandable, I suppose, since they've been quite particular about showing the various emotional states of the various Lanterns, and Guy has been glowing red. And he DOES have a bit of a temper, bless his heart.
Now the first conclusion that leaps to mind, is "Oh Gawd, they're going to kill off Ice!" And this IS a distinct possibility, given the foreshadowing of having Hal actually be jealous of Guy's happiness. We can't have THAT sort of thing going on, after all! On the other hand, Ice's return to the living has been universally greeted with delight. I cannot for the life of me, remember reading a single post where someone complained about it. People LIKE Ice. She's a wonderful character, and there was no good reason to have killed her off in the first place,which is something that Mark Waid even admits to.
So...I'm not completely convinced that they are going to kill her off again. Usually, the rule is that if you have died once and managed to come back, you are pretty safe. I see no reason to mess with this.
However...there IS one death that I can think of, that would drive Guy over the edge. Well...actually two, but Geoff Johns has assured us that Kyle isn't going to die. But if KILOWOG was to buy the farm, I can definitely see Guy going off the deep end.
Guy and Kyle are very close, friends as well as partners, but I am not sure that they are better friends than Guy and Kilowog, who have been tight for a VERY long time. I've always liked their friendship, and this is why I'm so very worried about Kilowog's wellfare. Because, after all, HE'S died once before as well, and then come back, so the same resurrection rule should also apply.
Same thing with Arisia, Her death would send Guy over the edge, as he's very fond of her as well, but once again, she's newly back amongst the living. Salaak? Maybe. As much as they bicker, I think that deep down, they actually like each other...although neither would ever admit it. Iolande or Soranik? Guy likes them, but I'm not sure that he'd go mad with rage. Same thing with Vath or Isamot. He's fairly good buddies with Graf Toren and Voz, and I think he's on pretty good terms with Brik, but who's death would turn him into a Rage Lantern?
What I do think will be interesting, is how will he cope with the Red power? Hal actually managed to retain a bit of his brains, and make constructs, which no other Rage Lantern was capable of doing. Considering Guy's past history with Sinestro's yellow ring, not to mention his temper, I am wondering if he'll be able to be coherent and make constructs as well. It would be a hoot if he managed to best Atrocitus at his own game. I also wonder if perhaps his Vuldarian background is going to come into play. That has been mostly swept under the rug, since Rebirth, but what the heck, I suppose that it's possible, it may be his salvation.
I do know ONE thing for sure. I can hardly wait until December.