You know who I never talk about? Guy's evil clone, Joe Gardner. I have to admit to having a tiny little bit of a soft spot for old Joe. He's so unremittingly evil most of the time, but really, he's gotten the short end of the stick. It's no fun being a clone really.
This is from my favorite Joe story, when he teamed up with Black Canary, way back when Chuck Dixon was writing Birds of Prey. Greg Land did the art, and he did an amazingly beautiful job, all things considered. This was when he actually knew how to draw, instead of just trace. He made an awful purty Joe anyway. And as bad as Joe was, or is, he wasn't completely terrible in this story.
He's dropped out of sight lately, which is a bit of a shame. But as far as I know, he's still wearing his hair in the old bowl cut. Joe doesn't like change apparently.