To which I say...phooey.
Guy and Kyle are friends. They've been friends for a very long time. Guy took Kyle under his wing practically from the start, when Kyle was a VERY green young rookie. Unlike his relationship with Hal, Guy has never felt intimidated or threatened by Kyle. And really, how can anyone dislike KYLE of all people. He's such a nice boy.
I think that they've grown even closer lately, at least since they've been partnered up on Oa. I still think that perhaps Kilowog is Guy's closest friend, but Kyle is right up there. He may also be in a slightly different category from Kilowog. Guy and Kyle's relationship seems to be on the brotherly side, which I've always considered to be a healthy relationship for the both of them. Lord knows Guy's REAL brother was a tool, and I imagine that as Kyle was an only child, he would have liked to have had a sibling.
So anyway, it makes sense for Guy to be a wee bit cranky that Kyle is dead. What I DO find rather fascinating about the Red Rings however, is that there seems to be an extra bit of emotion necessary. I would imagine that there were a heck of a lot of pissed-off Lanterns on Oa, but Vice's ring didn't chose any of them. In combination with his anger, Guy also seemed to be suffering from a vast amount of grief.
Grief seems to be a key ingredient in the formation of a Red Lantern. Laira was consumed by grief over the death of Ke'haan and his family as well as by anger. Even Atrocitus, in his back-story seems to have an enormous amount of grief in addition to his rage. When Hal was briefly transformed, he was shaken by Laira's death, so grief came into that equation as well.
Proximity also seems to be a key factor. Vice's ring was right there, when Guy was in the proper frame of mind, and latched right onto him. I'm not sure that he would have been transformed if there hadn't been a red ring quite so handy. Same thing for Mera. She's been having quite a trying time lately, and it finally all bubbled up to the surface, and a red ring was conveniently there.
Some people have also been expressing dismay that Superman wasn't chosen for a Blue ring. I'm sure that Superman would have been a fine and logical choice for a Hope ring, but he just happens to be a Black Lantern at the moment. Barry was right there, and an equally qualified candidate, and he's NOT a Black Lantern. Wonder Woman was also a Black Lantern, and I think that the only reason she was able to become a Star Sappire, was that her Black ring was malfunctioning, which was mentioned when Mera and the Atom were trying to find a way back. So, unlike Superman, Wonder Woman was able to overcome her programming.
Well...and because she's just apparently so darned loveable.
This is just my opinion, and probably a lot of other people have equally valid ones. But it does give me a chance to show this picture.
Cool, eh?