This was an oops on my part. I like Huntress. I'd prefer her in a sensible costume instead of that abomination that Benes draws her in, but I suppose you can't have everything.
But still, if Helena is back, then perhaps we can see her interacting with Thomas Blake, aka Catman again. Because I admit it...I'm a girly girl sometimes, and they were ADORABLE!
Hey if Batman can have the hots for Catwoman, Huntress can lust after Catman...and vice versa.
If DC does the SENSIBLE thing, and also brings back Ted Kord, he can help supply logistics and...and stuff for Oracle. That would be nice. I've always liked Ted and Barbara together. Much more so than Babs and Dick actually. At least Ted is a grown-up. Well...sometimes he's a grown-up.
Of course I still want to see Fire and Ice in the Birds. Because that would mean that Guy could show up.
The possibilities for clashing and hilarity are endless. Besides, Guy and Zinda are old buddies. It would be great. And because obviously, it is all about what I want.
Who would you all like to see in the Birds of Prey?