I have some questions concerning the various Black Lanterns pictured above. Hal and Barry managed to outsmart the Black Rings...well...BARRY outsmarted the Black Rings, and therefore didn't become Black Lanterns, although Hal did undergo the process for about a minute or so over in GL #50. Wonder Woman, with the help of Mera and Ray Palmer managed to overcome her ring, and became a Star Sapphire. Bart was saved by Barry...with a bit of help from Wally. Conner saved himself, with a fair amount of assistance from Cassie and Krypto.
That leaves Superman, Green Arrow and Ice. You know...and I know that Superman is going to get out of this somehow. And Ollie has a BN: Green Lantern book coming out this week, I believe. So that leaves just...Ice.
Is Tora going to get a Blackest Night: Ice book? I rather doubt it. Which is a heck of a shame, because I'd LOVE to read that. So far, they have portrayed her in the background in a few panels, mainly fighting with Fire. That makes sense I suppose. Their modus operandi is to go for the people that they can hurt the most, in order to evoke the most powerful and delicious emotions.
I really am hoping that they will have a Guy/Ice confrontation either in Blackest Night #7, or in the next issue of Green Lantern Corps, because I'm getting a little tired of the two of them getting the short end of the stick. For that matter, I rather wanted to see more of a thing with John and Katma. Kyle has had Soranik, and Hal has Carol, which is nice, but dagnabit, I want more. MORE!!
And she had better come out of this whole and hearty, or I'll...I'll be quite irate. I've been nervous ever since the first issue or so of Blackest Night, when Hal was musing about how Guy was the only one with a girl, and how odd that was. Only to you, Hal...only to you.