There is going to be a MASSIVE shake-up of the Green Lantern world after Blackest Night. Tony Bedard of R.E.B.E.L.S is going to be the new writer for Green Lantern Corps. Ardian Syaf is going to be the new artist. Pat Gleason is going to be working on the Brightest Day mini-series along with Ivan Reis, while David Finch will be doing the covers.
Peter Tomasi is going to be moving over to a NEW book, called Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors, with the art being done by Fernando Pasarin. Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke remain on Green Lantern.
Holy Pastafazoola!
They are going to be giving Guy his own book, in Emerald Warriors! He's teaming up with Kilowog! I'll still have Tomasi as the writer! He's one of the few writers who actually "get" Guy Gardner, along with Beau Smith, Keith Champagne and Duskdog. I'm so thrilled, that I may just about swoon.
Tony Bedard is a good writer too, so Kyle, Soranik, Vath, Isamot and Iolande are still in good hands. And apparently, John Stewart is going to be made an Honor Guard, and is moving to Oa to team up with Kyle. Oh, and Ganthet is coming along too. This is good. Kyle and Guy make a wonderful team, but John is smart too. And it will be nice to be able to actually read about John on a regular basis.
Wow, Earth Lanterns really do make fabulous Honor Guard members, don't they?
I'm going to miss Pat Gleason TERRIBLY, but at least he'll still be working on the Brightest Day book. And I wouldn't be too surprised if he ends up back on an Aquaman book...if they revive Aquaman. I'll have to go and look up some Fernando Pasarin books, because he's not ringing any bells with me, artwise.
So...THREE Green Lantern Books. And a Movie. Finally, the best concept in Comics is getting its due. Of course I'm a little biased. But if you can have fifteen Batman books, then by gum, you can have three Green Lantern books.