But anyway. Comics.
I find myself looking forward to Wednesday with a combination of anticipation and trepidation. Justice League #3 is coming out, and after LAST week's mangling of the characters, I am wondering what Winick is going to offer us. It's a bit like a highway wreck, you don't want to look, but still find yourself slowing down to take a gander. I WANT to like this, but I'd prefer to read about some of my favorite characters...not the ones that Winick apparently plucked out of the air.
Now Brightest Day on the other hand, has been pretty good so far. There are several different strands of story, and it has been interesting seeing where they are going. The art has been superior as well. I presume that Deadman is going to be the glue holding the whole thing together. Plus, there is always a bit of Sinestro being sarcastic, which I simply adore. I can't WAIT until he finds out about Kyle and Soranik shacking up.
I'm not quite sure when the Time Travelers mini is coming out...the one where Hal, Rip, Booster and Superman are wandering around through time, trying to find Batman. It is SUCH an interesting combination of characters, that I think it will be quite fascinating.
That...is a cool cover.
Rip is being stalwart, Booster is posing, Hal is flexing a bit, and poor Superman is going "get them off, get them off!" in the background.