My attorney, and one of our oldest and dearest friends, is going to be appointed a Connecticut Superior Court Judge, so we're going to a party for it on Saturday. My Sweet Baboo, and his various partners in crime, decided to get Jay a Judge's wig, while they would dress up as Barristers, in the black robes and stuff. They may be old, but they still are boys at heart. So I think it will be fun.
But what makes this pertinant to comics you may say? Well, Jay went to school with the son of Nick Cardy, and they used to play over at Cardy's house, and read tons of old comics, and drive him nuts when he was trying to draw.
Draw things like THIS!
Gorgeous, isn't it? *sigh*. I love Nick Cardy.
I just offer this as proof, that reading comics DOESN'T ROT YOUR BRAIN! And I know a Hawaiian shirt-silly-wig wearing Judge, who is an example of that!