DC is apparently dropping the price on ALL their books, although they are losing about two pages of content, which I can live with. Marvel is a little less forthcoming, I believe that the price rollback only applies to new books...so I will still not be picking up much in the way of Marvel books for the forseeable future.
But this is a good thing.
Pat Gleason, one of my absolute favorite artists and Peter Tomasi, one of my favorite writers are teaming up again, on Batman and Robin. I am simply delighted! I can only hope that eventually they will bring in Guy Gardner for a guest spot, and have him interact with Damian, which would probably be hilarious. And, or, explosive. But I can dream at least.
They are doing an animated Green Lantern feature, to come out next year I believe, with Hal and Kilowog. This is also a Very Good Thing. Not to mention the live-action Movie, which is coming out in June of 2011. You can NEVER have too many Green Lanterns. There is also a rumor of another Lantern getting a book, with a Red Lantern being mentioned.
I have gotten to the point where I can no longer look at a spectrum of colors and NOT think of each color without associating it with the appropriate Corps. Thank You Geoff Johns!
I'm still painting my kitchen. It's taking a long time because I'm doing it by myself, and it is a LARGE kitchen, with a walk-in butler's pantry, so there is a ton of cabinetry. Also, I paint for ten minutes and then have to stand back and admire it for a while. But I'm getting there.
Alan Scott's birthday was October 2. John Stewart's is on this Sunday, October 17. Exactly why I know these things, I could not tell you. Does this make them both Libras?
I am looking forward to tomorrow with uncommon lust. There are TWO Green Lantern books coming out, plus Booster Gold, and all the books that my store was supposed to get LAST week, so it is going to be expensive. But soooooo worth it.
And finally,
For no special reason at all, except that I like looking at Guy pictures.