So in lieu of actual content, I'm just going to show nice pictures. I need to get SOME use out of my photobucket!
For's a nice picture of Guy and the Tasmanian Devil guy, who was made into a rug, but was miraculously brought back as a possible friend for Mikaal, aka Starman. Guy is being his usual charming brain-dead self.
Here is Batman being hit in the head with a rather large crow-bar. I enjoy this even more than Hal getting hit in the head.
Oohh, lookie here! It's Tora's nonexistant family! Right there on the cover of the Justice League. Too bad it is all a figment of her imagination now! Not that I'm bitter or anything.
And here is Cosmic Boy in his Space Corset...for no other reason than that it cracks me up.
Well! I've managed to put together a whole bunch of completely disparate scans, and make a blog entry out of it!