Anyway, I can't help but think that this whole thing is a bit...strange. I guess that I can understand that some people really really want to get to Heaven. But still, to wish for the total destruction and death of the entire World in order to achieve that desire seems a bit...well, MEAN! Un-Christian even. Not to mention just a tad on the selfish side.
In fact, it seems more like the world-conquering plan of your typical Comic Book Villain. But only a villain on a very grand scale. The old, "If I can't rule the world...I'll DESTROY IT!" kind of villain. Now Starro might think that it's just a fine and dandy idea, but for the rest of us, inCLUDING Lex Luthor, destroying the world is just counter-productive.
Besides, I've heard that in Heaven there is no Beer. That's why we drink it here. Or something.
And there is enough of this sort of thing going on all the time anyway. So let us all take a deep breath, and concentrate on the important things in life.
Like Comics.