
Hopefully, this is going to be my LAST blog about computer problems. I took my fancy schmancy HP into work, and had one of my super computer savy co-workers take a peek,and we ended up taking it to PC Warehouse in Springfield, where they do all of the computer fixin' stuff for where I work. It was going to cost about $100 to replace the power unit thingie, OR, for about $200 he could BUILD ME A WHOLE NEW COMPUTER! With easy-to-replace components! I'd been browsing at Costco and Best Buy, and they were all pretty expensive, so naturally, I jumped on this like a tick on a dog!

And here it is! All working, and...and STUFF! Had to reload the virus protection, and music, but for the most part, he was able to save a ton of my stuff, and I'm just so happy, I could plotz.

Oh, and the new books came out today, even though it was Veteran's day. So read your books, and kiss a Veteran!
