Hmmmm...I'm seeing something of a pattern here.
Anyhoo, Not being someone who just lays around, Guy decides to go off and get some powers. He's a bit on the desperate side at the moment, so apparently ANY kind of powers will do...he's not particularly picky.
Cool, eh?
I understand that originally, Mr. Smith wanted Guy to not have any special powers, just run around being heroic all on his own. But the Powers That Be weren't down with that idea, and powers were what he got. But all things considered, they were interesting powers.
Mr. Smith also introduced a whole new cast of supporting characters, such as Buck Wargo and the Monster Hunters.
I rather miss Buck, Joey, Rita and Desmond. Not to mention Veronna, and Lady Blackhawk, and Arisia and Fire, and Wildcat, and just about everyone else who was hanging around at the Warriors bar. They were a fun bunch. They were an INTERESTING bunch. I rather miss them. On the other hand, perhaps their obscurity has been a blessing in disguise. If nobody remembers them, then they can't be DIS-membered.
If you haven't read Guy Gardner:Warrior, then do, by all means, go out and get the books. They aren't too hard to find, and they aren't too expensive. It's rather a shame that they haven't been collected, but I don't imagine that they will be in any forseeable future. And the artwork is VERY 90's and over the top. Still...they are a hell of a lotta fun.
And fun is good.