I will admit however, that I did absolutely adore Kevin Smith's version of Oliver, when he returned from the dead, and started hanging out with the Justice League again.
For some reason, this just cracked me up. It was a very realistic...and funny take on Ollie's resurrection. In fact, when Aquaman finds him and hauls him up to the satellite, EVERYone is just flabberghasted...as well they should be. I mean, it's quite possible that after Blackest Night is all over and done with, people coming back from the dead, will be considered just another Tuesday, for the Justice League, but at this point, it was still somewhat of an occasion.
Ollie not only returned from the dead, he came back as ASShole Ollie. Seriously, you think that Guy Gardner was bad in the old days in the JLI? Well, he was NUTHIN' on Oliver Queen. Ollie's ultra left-wing rantings were just as obnoxious as Guy's ultra right-wing ravings, and it is a shame...a DARNED shame that I don't think they ever had the two of them actually go at it.
Of course, Ollie had Hawkman to fill that role,and I have always enjoyed their battles.