Nay, I am shocked...SHOCKED by what I found over at Scans Daily this week. Apparently, they are having a "Butt" week. You would think that this would be right up my alley...and you would be right. However, I was simply flabberghasted to discover that as of yesturday, they had only shown TWO Green Lantern Behinds. One of Kyle, and the infamous Mooning shot of Guy.
How on earth can you have a "Butt" week without showing HAL'S ass?'s inconceivable! They kept showing Nightwing of all people! I will agree that Dick has a very nice behind, but it isn't any better than Kyle's. Or Guy's. Or John's. Or Hal's. Or Alan's for God's sake. You can't even BE in the Green Lantern Corps unless you have a taut pair of buttocks! The Guardians may have given up on emotion, but they appreciate a solid pair of buns as much as anyone.
I am therefore, going to remedy this blatant and insulting oversight.
Oh Hal. You do things with style.
You also have this habit of flying with your legs apart.
Alan may be old, but man is he built.
This was after John had been sitting on his ass in a wheelchair for months. And it's STILL fabulous!
Oh Kyle. Even falling you are stupendous.
Guy's tucchus is as hard as his head.
THOSE are Green Lantern butts!
As opposed to...well...this sort of thing.
Gah! Put it away Wally!