Anyhoo. On Thursday, March 11ths entry, this is what she had posted.
Whose responsible this?
Well... I don't know Who Is Responsible For This, Val. I'm not a professional writer for one thing, but I do occasionally have a grasp of grammar. (Watch, now I'll misspell everything else I write)
It seems to me, to be a very lovely picture of Superman kissing Lois Lane, as porrayed by the magnificent pencil of Frank Quitely. It is also part of an ad for toothpaste apparently. This week's books had Maxima being smooched by Mr. Awesome or something. Silly perhaps, but not the end of the world.
The gist of her displeasure seems to be that the copy in the ad, says that the hero "gets" the girl. Considering the lengths to which Lois habitually went to land her dream guy, I'd have to say that SHE'S the one who "got" the guy,and that perhaps the both of them are very happy with each other. But what the hell do I know?
I DO know, that it was a bit hard for me to be outraged by this, since THIS picture was RIGHT NEXT TO THE Superman/Lois one!
And frankly, I find that a whole lot less appealing. But then, I didn't write it.