Action Comics #898.
Actually, this wasn't bad. I haven't been reading it with any regularity, and I mainly picked it up because it had Larfleeze in it. I love Larfleeze. He looks a little bit different than he normally does, but what the hey.
Green Arrow #9. Again, not bad. Not great, but not bad. Etrigan has been freed from Jason Blood through the agency of the magical forest...somehow. The trees are fighting back, there's flames and fire, and Galahad gets eaten by a large tree. Oh, and big icky spider thingies show up. I'm assuming that this will all tie in with Brightest Day somehow.
Gotham City Sirens #20.
Whoa! Who knew that Harley could be so bad ass? I've always seen her as mostly comic relief, but she DID run with the Joker after all, and apparently there are a whole lot of things that she's capable of. This was actually pretty good, with Harley breaking INTO Arkham, and causing a certain degree of mayhem along the way, on her quest to kill the Joker. I doubt that she'll succeed, but it should be fun to watch her try.
Justice League: Generation Lost #20.
Oh...where oh where should I start? I really disliked this particular issue. It is the supposed back story of Max Lord. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense and completely contradicts several other stories, not to mention getting the names of his parents wrong, but hey...this is Winick! Continuity is for OTHER mortals! Actually reading up on your characters is for pussies, apparently.
Max has shot Jaime in the head...just like Ted! Oh, he's just so dastardly. Booster screams a lot, and they break into the Checkmate ship, and we are treated to a whole lot of flashback about Max and his motivations. Supposedly his father was a whistleblower for the company that he worked for, but they killed him and made it look like suicide. Hey, that's exacty what he's done to Ted! And his mother taught him to always have a plan, but she got blowed up when Coast City went kaflooey, so naturally that's why Max actually hates superheroes...because bad things are actually THEIR fault!
Max escapes, while still trying to make them believe that he's doing this for the greater good. Yeah right. They can't pursue him, because they have to take care of Blue Beetle, and Rocket Red manages to get through the armor, only discover that yes, he really is dead. Completely dead. Dead as a doornail. Pushing up daisies dead. Dead, dead dead.
Isn't that sad? Hold the phone, who put the croquet balls inside poor Tora's pants? That's truly scary. They match the ones on Bea's chest!
Sorry, I'm still not buying it. I don't think that Jaime's dead, and I don't much like Max's retcon either. What about his wife? The Conglomerate? Kilg%re? And all of the other stuff from his past that has been chronicled throughout the history of the JLI? This isn't QUITE as horrible as Ice's idiotic origin, but it isn't very good. Of course, right now I'm so pissed at Winick, that he could walk on water and cure cancer and I'd STILL be cranky.
This blows.
Justice Society of America #48
Why do I keep getting this? I don't like the storyline, it doesn't make much sense, and it's awfully hard to actually read. So I'm going to drop this. Again. Really, this time I mean it.
Power Girl# 21
This is the first issue of Power Girl that I've actually picked up since the departure of Amanda Conner. It wasn't absolutely horrible, but it wasn't very good either. It's nice that Peej is sorry for beating up the JLI, and it's also nice that she can actually remember Max Lord now. She's trying to convince Dick, and he keeps forgetting everything, then Bruce comes in, and HE remembers Max. He ad Dick dig up Ted's corpse, and after a lot of idiotic denials by Dick, they establish that Ted was indeed murdered.
There's just one teensy weensy problem with that. Ted's body isn't in his grave, Booster took it to Vanishing Point.'s awfully hard to perform an autopsy with no body. But hey, it's Winick!
I'm starting to really sound bitter.
And that's that. I need to cleanse my palette, so I think I'll go back and read all of my Giffen/DemMatteis JLI's and actually ENJOY myself.