Green Lantern #48

Prepare for your mind to be officially boggled. Also, be sure to read Green Lantern BEFORE you read Blackest Night #5. Nothing too earth-shattering will happen if you happen to read it the other way around, but it will make a bit more sense.

Blackest Night is turning into one HELL of an event, and the latest issue of Green Lantern continues to build on the story. In order to defeat Nekron, the various Light Corps need to put aside their differences and team up...a feat easier said than done.

We begin with Atrocitus and Larfleeze, with Larfleeze doing the narrating, and quite frankly, I DO hope that Larfleeze makes it out of Blackest Night in one piece,because he's hilarious. I'm not going into too much detail on their interaction, because then I'd just have to repeat all of the dialogue, so go and read it for yourselves!

Then we have the other members of the different Corps show up. Saint Walker has joined Hal, Carol, Sinestro and Indigo-One, and it's a good thing for Larfleeze that he's so forgiving. It's even more fun when you have alpha males like Hal Sinestro and Atrocitus trying to work together. And we finally learn something about Atrocitus that makes me understand what Geoff Johns was talking about when he said that the more extreme Corps aren't necessarily all bad...or all good.

Sinestro makes Larfleeze an offer he can't refuse, we learn that the crimes of the Guardians are dire indeed, and Sayd is trying to get a little redemption on her own...much to Ganthet's dismay

Doug Mahnke knocks it out of the park as usual, on the artwork. Geoff Johns does a similar stellar job with the story and the dialogue. There are some real fun moments sprinkled amongst the drama and pathos...I loved Hal and Carol casually discussing exactly WHICH muppet Larfleeze reminds them the most of, in the middle of all the mayhem.

This is good. So very very good. Be sure and get it and READ it.

Onto Blackest Night tomorrow.