
Gosh, but all kinds of things are going on lately.

For one thing, today is National Pastrami Day. Please celebrate the deli of your choice. Mmmmmmmm...pastrami.

Secondly, DC is up to all KINDS of interesting things lately. In addition to bringing back a version of the old JLI, they are also putting the team of Giffen and DeMatteis on Booster Gold.

I find that I am a little torn about this. On the one hand, I simply adore Giffen and DeMatteis, their work together is always a hoot. On the other hand, I've been perfectly happy with Dan Jurgens on Booster Gold, and I would hope that he would at least stay on as the artist, because I REALLY like his work. I guess we shall have to wait and see.

And thirdly, they are bringing back Birds of Prey! WITH GAIL SIMONE as the writer! Be still my heart. Ed Benes is going to be the artist which doesn't excite me quite so much, but he's ok, I guess. I'd love to have Nicola Soott, but I imagine that she's still on Secret Six. If Geoff Johns can write just about every book for DC, I would think that Gail can bang out Secret Six, Wonder Woman and Birds of Prey. DC is going to get a whole lot more of my hard-earned dollars.

I think I'll go have a pastrami sandwich to celebrate.