And the Clock is Ticking Down

My shopping is all done, and my baking is mostly done, and I'm binging out on eggnog. HomeMADE eggnog. And fudge. Lots and lots of fudge. Gosharootie, I love this time of year. There's just enough snow to look festive, without impeding driving, which is nice.

Went to the Comic Book store and found a nice new John Stewart, in the new wave of Blackest Night figures. I'm absolutely dying for an Arisia, but I haven't found her yet. John in nice though, I only have him in his older costume. He's a bit pigeon-toed however, which is slightly...odd.

Oh well.

So here's a little more Christmas cheer.


I found this on Scans Daily yesturday, and it absolutely cracks me up. I just love Sergio Aragones.