As we all know, Blackest Night more or less began this way...
And a clever plan it was, involving Nekron, Black Lanterns, death, destruction and the War Of Light, all more or less brought on by the stupidity of the Guardians.
Since then, Hal has become a Red Lantern, albeit briefly, and a Blue Lantern...sort of, and an Orange Lantern...greedily. He's teamed up with all of the other Corps, and is having the time of his life. John is being stoic and manly over on Xanshi, Kyle died...albeit briefly, and Guy is really REALLY pissed off. A lot of perfectly nice heroes have had their hearts ripped out, and all the formerly dead, but came-back-to-life heroes are working for Nekron now.
It's time for something BIG to happen. Mogo's arrival at Oa is pretty big. All of the various Corps working together is pretty big. But what's going to happen AFTER all the big stuff?
I Want Ted Kord back! And Ralph and Sue, and Max and Dmitri, and Garth and Aquaman and J'onn and the Hawkpeople and all the other good and wonderful characters with histories and more stories to tell that were offed for no good reason, other than shock value.
Oh, and Hal will probably quit the Green Lantern Corps again.
He does this sort of thing every once and a while, either when he's feeling unappreciated, or when the Guardians screw things up. Lately, I imagine that he's feeling both.
What do YOU all think?