Understandably enough, both Soranik and Guy are horrified and in denial about Kyle's fate. Soranik, being a doctor, immediately starts to attempt to revive Kyle by a variety of different means, while Guy refuses to let Kyle's ring go.
Poor Kyle. Poor Soranik. Poor Guy. Although I do have to admit that that is one heck of a stylish red ring.
Guy finally has to accept that Kyle is gone, and he reacts...badly.
But again, quite stylishly. That is one hellaciously good-looking outfit. And do my eyes deceive me, or are there markings that look remarkably "Warrior-like" on his Red Lantern suit? I'd be thrilled right down to my toes if somehow Guy's former Vuldarianness was somehow a part of being Red.
Being Guy, he manages to go to town on the hapless Black Lanterns. If it was possible to feel sorry for them, I think that I would, because Guy is just wiping them out. And with STYLE! He's using his green ring AND the red ring in conjunction, and making cool constructs and being ruthlessly efficient.
I'm so...so proud.
Soranik in the meantime is trying desperately to bring Kyle back, because there are those pesky Black Rings trying to move in on his freshly-minted (but still awfully good-looking) corpse. The Blue Lantern helps out, but they are about to be overwhelmed when Kilowog, Arisia, Vath and Isamot all show up to help out. And help also comes from a rather unexpected source.
Remember Miri, the adorable little Star Sapphire going off with Kryp a while back? Well, they've ended up on Oa, where Kryb has discovered that her kidnapped babies are now all undead babies, intent upon devouring Will. Kryb is beside herself, and naturally takes it out on Miri. Miri doesn't have time to put up with Kryb's treachery, she knows that True Love is in Peril. I have to say that I simply love the art-deco-ish curliques of light that are Miri's aura, that Pat Gleason creates. His artwork on this issue is simply superb.
While Miri rushes off to save True Love, Guy is going to town on the babies, which gets Kryb's knickers in a twist. Guy, promptly rips off one of her arms, and shoves it DOWN HER THROAT! Heh. Guy is rather creative in his mayhem. It beats a boxing glove, that's for sure.
Then Miri does some violet hocus-pocus, and voila! Kyle's heart and Soranik's heart beat for each other, and he's alive again! His ring, which was on its way to Mogo, quickly turns around and heads back, and in a lovely moment, we have the ring chosing Kyle, with a hearty "Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps!"
So now, Kyle's alive again, and all they have to do is...um...stop Guy. But seriously, do they really WANT to stop Guy? He's doing an awfully good job of taking out Black Lanterns all on his own. Just then, some additional help shows up. They've already got a Star Sapphire, a Red Lantern, and a Blue Lantern. And now, they've got the biggest baddest Green Lantern of them all!
Yes...Mogo DOES seem to want to socialize!
This is SO good, that I can hardly stand it.
Oh, and just to keep this week's theme going...!
Yup. That's Guy. A very young Gymteacher Guy.