Well...it HAS happened to me!
I made my blithe way to the comic bookstore, simply full of anticipation at the books awaiting me. Green Lantern AND Green Lantern Corps, not to mention Batman: the Return of Bruce Wayne, Gotham City Sirens, Brave & the Bold, Power Girl and Wonder Woman. Oh, and Justice League: Generation Lost.
Now Justice Leage:GL, is a biweekly book, with the second issue now coming out. I got the first issue, and was quite pleased with the premise, not to mention getting to see several of my favorites all together such as Ice, Fire and Booster. And heck, even Max. So...I opened this week's issue up, with delight.
I...I may never recover. Although Plotted by Keith Giffen, the book is actually Written by Judd Winick. He's NOT my favorite writer, but he has his moments of occasional brilliance. This however was not one of them.
Max Lord, through his mind-whammy powers has successfully erased all trace of his existance from the world, with the exception of Booster, Fire,Ice and Captain Atom. They are going around trying to convince everyone what REALLY happened, and nobody believes them. When they show photographic proof, Superman and Wonder Woman don't see what they see. Ok. I can live with this. It's a pretty scary thing, to KNOW that you are right, but nobody will believe you. Until I reached the page with Guy.
Guy Gardner, is trembling with fear at the sight of Tora. When she asks him what is wrong, he screams that she tried to kill him, and to stay away, and that she's crazy, and blah blah blah. Tora just rolls her eyes.
Well for one thing, they show him with brown eyes. Guy doesn't have brown eyes, he has blue eyes. This is really nitpicky, but sheesh...how hard is it to get something like that right?
Secondly...there is NO WAY IN HELL that Guy Gardner would ever quake in fear at the sight of Tora. Or that he would react so violently. Or that he would be MEAN to Tora. Even if she really HAD tried to kill him! This isn't the old brain-dead Guy, he's certainly smart enough to know that people can be mind-controlled. Heck it happens to Hal on a regular basis. Guy LOVES Tora. Even in Blackest Night when she really WAS trying to kill him, he reacted with compassion.
This is not the Guy Gardner as written by Steve Englehart, Gerard Jones, Beau Smith or Peter Tomasi. This is not even the Guy Gardner as written by Giffen and DeMatteis.
Nor is this Tora Olafsdottir, aka Ice. Ice doesn't roll her eyes, or go "whatever" or be snotty about the whole thing. She also isn't the sort of person to keep trying to quit. I can understand her being a bit spooked about dying and coming back and dying again and coming back, and the whole readjustment to Guy and Fire, but again, the character portrayed here by Winick is NOT Tora.
In case you haven't realized it, I'm pissed royally. Which is ridiculous of course...it's ONLY a comic book, and they are ONLY fictional characters. But they're MY fictional characters.
Anyway...getting back to the reviews.
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne was pretty good. Bruce pops up in 17th century America, at the height of the witch trials, and falls in with a young lady. He's also posing as a witch hunter, but just can't control his urge to detect. Meanwhile, Hal, Superman, Booster and Rip have gone to the end of time to try and figure out what exactly is going on. It's a little confusing, and they sort've lose their time machine. Oops.
The Brave & the Bold, has the Legion of Super Teenagers teaming up with the Doom Patrol, in order to figure out how to save future earth from its untimely demise at the hands (hands?) of a cute little black hole. The art, by Jesus Saiz is quite nice, and it's a pleasant little story. Nothing spectacular, but good.
Gotham City Sirens continues to entertain me. Selina is still searching for her sister Maggie, who has apparently gone QUITE around the bend, and Ivy is getting to know the lady that she fired at STAR Labs. Harley is tagging along with Selina, but they may have bitten off a little more than they can chew.
I'll get to the Green Lanterns. Guy shows up in Green Lantern Corps, and is blessedly, written LIKE HIMSELF!
Power Girl, was a delight...simply a delight. This is the last issue by Gray and Paliotti and Amanda Conner, which is a DARNED shame. I'm going to just pretend that it was a 12 issue mini-series. It does have a nice happy ending, Peej and Terra hang out at Terra's place and get all happy, the Ultra Humanite gets his humanity back and his memories erased, and Peej's cat finally...FINALLY gets a name. It's been a LONG time. Dang it, I love that cat.
Guess who is supposed to take over next month? Oh yeah, isn't it WINICK? I WAS going to give it a shot, but in my rage, I may have to change that thought.
I believe in holding a grudge.
Wonder Woman was good. I was getting a bit worried, it seemed as though Gail had really stacked the deck against Diana, but she manages to come through and wins in the end. But boy, the saying that you can pick your friends, but not your family REALLY applies here. It's nice that Hippolyta and the Amazons show up in DC and help SAVE the place. I'm going to miss Tolifhar though. Again...something of a happy ending
So...pretty good books this week. One one...unfortunate exception.
THIS is Guy and Tora...!