We have been lucky enough to have Mr. Gleason as the artist for quite some time, and considering in modern comics that artists and writers seem to stay around for only an arc or two, that is quite a remarkable run. The Green Lantern books have been VERY fortunate in both their writers and artists, and once they come on, they tend to stay. I'm do believe that Mr. Gleason is going to be working on some of the Brightest Day books, which I will of course be buying but still...I'm going to miss him.
For one thing, he draws Aliens like nobody's business...and that's a handy talent to have when you are doing Space Opera. He also has the talent to be able to draw different body types, and different FACES for both his men and in particular his women. That is a talent that is increasingly rare. Put Arisia, Soranik and Iolande next to each other, and you KNOW who is who, as opposed to so many artists that have the exact same faces, with only the hair color and costumes being different.
Iolande has an acquiline nose, full lips and a soft round chin. Soranik's features on the other hand, are sharper, her chin is more pointed and her eyes are bigger. Arisia's nose is different too. Brik looks different from all of them. Gleason is also perfectly happy to put women into the vast unnamed hordes of background Lanterns, which is always nice.
His version of Guy of course is unparalleled. He does a darned good job with Kyle and Kilowog and Salaak and Vath and Stel and Isamot and EVERYONE else. His characters have an odd grace and fluidity to them, the action just flows from panel to panel effortlessly. Oh, and he's a crackerjack costume designer. Just look at the Star Sapphire Miri's outfit, which is simply adorable (just like Miri) to the sleezy outfit that Carol wears. Gleason can DO sexy...he just doesn't slap you in the face with it.
Here's a few of some of my favorite Gleason pictures.
This has to be the quintesential picture of Guy. It's...it's just so PERFECT!
Beautiful INDIVIDUAL ladies. And Guy.
Ice being sweet and forceful all at the same time. Oh, and Guy.
Look, it's the Justice League! And Guy.
Arisia, Sodam and Salaak. No Guy.
Kyle busting heads. With Guy.
The uncolored pages. Gorgeous eh?
Same thing with Soranik. Those are lovely pencils.
So, my heartfelt thanks to Pat Gleason, and good luck with your new projects. And if you ever want to come back to Green Lantern, we'll be waiting.
And so will Guy.