I know, I know, this is the Internet, and wild assumptions and generalizations get thrown around ALL of the time. Sometimes, those assumptions are even right on target. For example, not ALL Massachusetts drivers are insane...just MOST of them. They don't know what a turn signal is, for one thing. The few who DO use it, use it as a warning device...they have signalled that they are going to move into your lane whether you are occupying that particular space or not. But mostly it seems as though they regard turn signals as a sign of weakness. Some days I'm just happy that I made it home, safe and sound and with my fenders unblemished. In fact...!
...wait, how did I get started about the driving habits in Mass? See, what I mean? Assumptions and generalizations are insidious. As I was visiting my beloved local Comic Book Shoppe yesturday, I was delighted to see that Brightest Day #1 was in. I was sadly cast down, to realize that they had not been issued those nice white rings that come with Brightest Day. Matt patted me on the back, and assured me that he would save me one, and Joey commisserated me upon my disappointment. We all then went on to discuss the new books, and were having quite the fine old time, when some guy that I didn't recognize, insinuated himself into the conversation. He'd been listening for quite some time, in growing disbelief that this middle-aged woman was standing in HIS Comic Book Store...and he didn't seem to like it particularly.
I really thought that I was past all this crap. I've been going here FOREVER, and practically everybody knows me. With only a few exceptions, I've always been quite fortunate in my comic-sharing experiences. But this fellow was rude, dismissive and condescending.
I WANTED to make a generalization about under-socialized, basement-dwelling trolls, but really, he was relatively well-groomed and fairly articulate. So I had to come face to face with MY prejudices, and I couldn't fairly blame this man's attitude on a well-worn cliche. At least not visually. In attitude however, he showed himself to be every bit as obnoxious as the worst trolls around. He...he mocked Geoff Johns!
Thank goodness for my buddies at the store, who put him in his place with a few well-chosen words. And really, he wasn't THAT bad...just ignorant. And obviously tasteless.
But anyway, enough bloviating. Onto the Reviews!
Batman & Robin #12. Man, I do love this book. Maybe because the REAL Batman isn't in it. But Dick is doing a bang-up job as the Caped Crusader, and I'm starting to like Damien more and more. Talia and Slade get their just desserts...in a manner of speaking anyway, and the plot continues to thicken nicely. Very decent artwork, and one HELL of a reveal on the last page! I honestly did NOT see that coming!
Brightest Day #1. Oh, I WILL get a ring...sooner or later.
Jonah Hex #55. Another book that I love. An odd little tale, but a good one.
JSA Allstars #6. I wasn't too sure about this book at first. Then they dumped Magog, which was a major step in the right direction. And they brought back Sandy, which was another. But jeez, they must be getting AWFULLY tired of fighting the King of Tears! Pretty good, actually.\
Nemesis #3. Again, I'm liking this a bit more. It's still a little hazy on some of the details, is Tom REALLY nuts, or is it all real? But I enjoy someone who can be as dangerous as Nemesis, and it's nice that Wonder Woman actually recognizes that. So, I'm interested in where this is leading.
Secret Six #21. Oh my goodness! Gail hits another one out of the ballpark. A little trip down memory lane for Blake...boy howdy was HIS father a jerk! At least his mom was nice. Catman is taking out his enemies quite ruthlessly and efficiently,while the rest of the bunch trails after him, and Bane and Jeanette put together an ad hoc bunch to get in a few paydays. I don't see this new bunch lasting particularly long however, although it WILL be fun to see how they get blown up. Oh, and Black Alice is being rude to Scandal. She may come to regret that.
Fabulous as always.
So enjoy your comics, and look out for pushy people in Comic Book Stores.