I love comic books. This may come as a surprise to you all, but there it is. I try for the most part, to only buy the ones that I LIKE, and therefore, my enjoyment of them is enhanced. Sometimes, there are disappointments, and sometimes I stick with a book far too long in the hopes that it will improve, but eventually, I do see the light and drop it. I'm happy to pick a book up again if there is a change in the writer and things improve.
I seem to be in a minority however. It is a little disconcerting, after having written and posted my happy happy reviews, that I seem to be the only person on the planet who actually enjoyed a book! There were people who didn't like the new JLI book! Granted, I'm thrilled to pieces because it includes some of my favorite people, and can therefore do without things like a plot. Heck, if it had Booster, Fire and Ice in it, they COULD sit around a table and look at photographs all day, and I'd be perfectly happy.
So...does a person NEED a great book, with fabulous writing and art to be supremely happy...or can one achieve bliss simply by reading a so-so story about one's favorite characters? I say the latter, but that's just me. I do know that I've got a whole crapload of books that are pretty terrible, but I don't care because one of my favorites shows up in it.
But they can still stop killing off perfectly good characters. What is WITH these people? Enough already!