It...It's a Miracle!

As seems to be par for the course, I've been having some computer problems lately. My GOOD computer apparently died some months ago, which broke my heart, so we ended up with one that a friend donated, that worked in fits and starts. It would be fine for a week or so, and then start freezing and throwing me off.

Yesturday, I came home to find that the kids had somehow managed to download one of those bogus "security" thingies, that is actually a virus, and I've been tearing my hair out trying to fix it or work around it. Finally, in desperation, I went and found my old modem, and hooked it all back up...and HALLELUJAH!!!! works! It works beautifully! For the moment at least. It may still explode in five minutes or something...but at least I managed to get on and type these deathless words.

So hey. How about those Green Lanterns anyway?