Green Lantern #46

The title of this months issue is "Uneasy Alliance", which pretty much sums it all up in a neat little package.

The Zamaron homeworld is beseiged by Black Yellow Lanterns. That sounds peculiar, but that's basicaly it. The Star Sapphires are doing their best, but their powers don't really have much, if any effect on the Black Lanterns. Sinestro isn't inclined to help, he just wants to bust out his Corps members, who are encased in the Star Sapphire's crystals. There is one incredibly cool moment however, when Slushh, the Sinestro Corps member who was basically a bag of goo, that swallowed up his victims, swallows Amon Sur. It works too...until the Black Rings reanimate ALL the dead bodies that are floating around in the big greenish amoeba, and they all come bursting out. Disgusting...but cool.

Then, just as things are looking particularly bleak...who should show up but Hal. Oh, and the Indigo lady. This is all being narrated to some degree by none other than Sinestro, and quite frankly, his comments are quite both sarcastic and amusing.

Hal is still miffed that Indigo has brought him to Zamaron, thus leaving his friends in a lurch. Indigo assures him, that this is a bigger battle, and hey, you gotta break some eggs to make an omelet, or words to that effect. Hal IS a bit startled to see Carol as a Star Sapphire, but once she assures him that she neither wants to marry him or beat him up, he calms down. He does tell her that she looks good in purple.

Oh Hal. You are simply incorrigible.

He does fill Carol and Sinestro in on how to fight the Black Lanterns, which is a good thing. Sinestro isn't necessarily buying it, and he's quite rude to Indigo. Then of course, the two entombed bodies that have been encased in the crystal over the eons, are given Black Rings, and all Hell breaks loose on Zamaron. The appearance of Indigo has also not gone unnoticed by Scar, in what has to be the scariest picture by Doug Mahnke that I've ever seen. I may have nightmares from this.

Meanwhile, John is contemplating the Black Planet Xanshi, and talking to a disembodied voice. I can't wait to find out who THAT is.

Hal, Carol, Sinestro and Indigo all beat feet, and end up on Korugar. Sinestro is starting to get a bit pissy with Indigo, and really, who can blame him? She's brought him home in order to confront Mongul, who has made quite a mess out of poor Korugar. Hal and Carol offer to help out, but of course Sinestro decides that this is HIS fight, and our two Titans begin to Tussle. At first, it seems as though Mongul has the upper hand. But don't count Sinestro out, it turns out that in his usual highly efficient fashion, he retains the ability to command ALL of the yellow rings, and after that...well, Mongul is pretty much toast.

So the remaining Sinestro Corps members are all happy, Arkillo in particular. The poor citizens of Korugar are terrified and relieved at the same time that Sinestro has shown up to save them in their darkest hour.

And then of course, two Black Lanterns show up that have particular meaning for both Sinestro and Hal, and...oh heck, you'll just have to read the book!
